Emails And Auto-Responders
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and it all starts with building a list. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email below to send out a broadcast. Even if you don't, you can start building you list today and still add the follow-up Emails into your auto-responder to ensure you get as much exposure as possible! Please note that these emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
JUST RELEASED! Reverse sales funnel strategy to get highest profit first
re: how to build a profitable sales funnel... fast!
re: how to build a profitable sales funnel... fast!
A sales funnel is nothing more than a
system to acquire leads and customers
efficiently at minimum cost.
Whilst there are tons of variations on
this business model, there is an
effective way to attract your highest
paying customers and clients fast
without having to build complex sales
Reverse Sales Funnels is a powerful
system designed to help you do just
that. Inside we'll take you through the
necessary steps to building the most
efficient funnel designed for speed and
Lesson 1 - Introduction to the System
Lesson 2 - The Ladder Approach
Lesson 3 - The Biggest Mistake
Lesson 4 - Your High Ticket Offer
Lesson 5 - Your One Time Offer
Lesson 6 - Your Front End Offer
Lesson 7 - Your Lead Magnet Offer
Lesson 8 - Practical Application: 5 Minute Examples
Lesson 9 - Platforms for Building Sales Funnels
If you struggle to attract enough leads
to sell anything or find it difficult
to get anyone on your list to buy from
you, then you need to start
implementing this in your business
To Your Success!
Your Online Teacher.
FREE Download! 7 Proven Ways to Sell More Upsells! (link inside...)
FREE Download! 7 Proven Ways to Sell More Upsells! (link inside...)
If you want to make more money with
your business, one good place to start
is on your order forms.
Think about it...
You have a prospect with a credit card
already in their hand. They're in a
buying mood. So there's a good chance
that if you put a related offer in
front of them (the proverbial, "you
want fries with that?"), they'll take
And that means you'll make more money
with every customer who walks through
your door.
So how do you create a backend or
upsell offer that gets your prospects
clicking the "Yes" button?
Today's report is all about getting
your customers to buy more upsells from
you using framing, pricing, position,
CTAs and more.
Download directly from the link below:
To Your Success!
Your Online Teacher.
P.S. If you struggle to attract enough
leads to sell anything or find it
difficult to get anyone on your list to
buy from you, then you can reverse
engineer your sales funnel to attract
your highest paying customers and
clients fast without having to build
complex sales funnels from scratch.
Check out our latest course for
LAST REMINDER: Reverse sales funnel strategy to get highest profit first
LAST REMINDER: Reverse sales funnel strategy to get highest profit first
ENDS SOON! Reverse Engineer Your Sales Funnel In 60 Minutes! (for best setup...)
Reverse engineering your sales funnel
is the most smartest thing you can do
right now.
I mean think about it... the whole
point of creating one in the first
place is to maximize your profits. Why
not do so by creating your most
profitable product first and attract
your highest-paying customers and
Afterall it only makes sense because
now you can SAFELY expand your sales
funnel to attract more of the
marketplace and more customers.
And yes we know that the idea of
flipping a traditional sales funnel
upside down and reverse engineering it
sounds complicated... but really it's
just a different (and more importantly
easier) approach to building something
that's already quite challenging.
If you understand the importance of a
sales funnel and want to create a
profitable campaign as quickly as
possible with the most minimum amount
of risk... then YES this is for you.
If you have already begun the process
of building your first sales funnel,
but feel like you've hit a wall or
things are going much slower than they
should be... then YES this is for you.
If you haven't got to work on your
sales funnel because you were just so
overwhelmed by the entire process and
felt like you needed one more piece of
advice to make sure you do it right...
then YES this is for you.
This specialist course was designed to
help you create a long-term conversion
strategy using the most profitable and
safest process. This is not known by
the masses and is your change to get a
head start in the game. Discover how to
set up all your products and services
inside of your sales funnel to create
the highest converting funnel right off
the bat!
To Your Success!
Your Online Teacher.
Sales Funnel Secrets - Lesson #1: The Low Down On Sales Funnels...
SUBJECT: Sales Funnel Secrets - Lesson #1: The Low Down On Sales Funnels...
There is no doubt that owning and running your
own successful online business can be a
tremendously liberating thing, as thousands of
online entrepreneurs and marketers all over the
world have discovered for themselves.
If you are already in a position where your
business is successful, then congratulations are
undoubtedly in order.
However, here’s a question for you.
Although your business is already successful,
perhaps even already achieving as much as you
could ever have hoped for, is there any
possibility that you could be doing things more
effectively? Are there ‘flaws’ in your systems
that are letting potential customers escape
without putting their hand in the pocket to pull
out their credit card?
Alternatively, you might just be starting out on
the road to earning an online income, and if
that’s the case, there is probably a great deal
about internet marketing or online business that
is confusing and apparently complex. Trust me,
this is a position that even the most experienced
of online marketers will understand because we
have all been there and experienced exactly what
you’re going through right this minute.
The problem with online marketing is that by the
nature of the beast, there are dozens of new
products hitting the market every week, and it is
only natural that the creator of each of those
products or services believes that they have just
invented the best thing since sliced bread.
Quite naturally in most cases, the product
creator has probably not achieved quite as much
as they might believe they have. Nevertheless,
the fact still remains that there is a mass of
new information out there in the world of online
marketing almost every day, an ‘information
overload’ that can make getting your new online
business off the ground seem dauntingly difficult.
But here is the most important thing. It does not
have to be this way because running an online
business does not have to be difficult or
complex. It is simply a question of focusing on
the key issues, ignoring information that is not
directly related to the kind of business you plan
to set up and run, and getting on with it.
This course is focused on one of the most
important issues that any online marketer will
ever face, which is a simple question of making
your business as efficient as possible.
The more efficient your system is, the less it
matters what kind of business you are running,
because you will be maximizing your profits at
every turn in any case.
It is entirely irrelevant whether you are selling
the latest ‘super duper gizmo-style widget’ or a
product that has been around for years, with an
efficient sales system in place, you are
naturally able to squeeze every last drop of
profit out of whatever it is you do.
It should be obvious that this is extremely
important, but you may never have considered
exactly why it is so important. You are about to
find out in the upcoming lessons! Stay tuned!
To your success,
Sales Funnel Secrets - Lesson #2: Why An Efficient Sales System Is Important!
SUBJECT: Sales Funnel Secrets - Lesson #2: Why An Efficient Sales System Is Important!
You’re probably aware that it does not matter how
attractive your website is or how fantastic the
product or service offer that you’re making from
that site is either. If no one ever visits your
website, it is totally impossible for you to
generate any sales so without site visitors, it
is equally inevitable that your business is going
to collapse around your ears sometime very soon.
You may also understand that sending visitors to
your website is not enough because unless those
visitors are targeted, your sales process is far
less than efficient. This is something we will
look at in a little more detail later.
However, for the moment, let’s consider how you
attract visitors to your site.
There are in essence three different ways of
pulling visitors onto your web pages.
Firstly, you can buy visitors by using paid
advertising like Google AdWords to generate
traffic. Doing things this way can be very
efficient as long as you know what you’re doing
with the possibility of driving visitors to your
site in a matter of hours.
On the downside, you have to pay for advertising
and it is a fact that when you are using AdWords
in particular, it can work out extremely
expensive until you have mastered exactly how the
system works.
This is because the pricing structure adopted by
Google is flexible with the cost of each click on
your adverts varying according to whether your
adverts and the supporting website at which your
ads are ‘pointed’ are constructed in the way that
Google want them to be.
There are of course dozens of alternatives to
AdWords. Nevertheless, the fact is that most
online marketers use AdWords because nearly 70%
of the internet enabled population of the planet
use the Google search engine rather than any of
the alternatives.
In short, if you want your advertising to be seen
by the largest number of potential prospects,
then AdWords is the most sensible choice.
With AdWords, it is possible to reduce your costs
by making sure that your adverts and your site
comply with Google requirements. This can however
take time.
The second option is to promote your business for
free by publishing keyword focused articles,
video materials on sites like YouTube and
Google video, forum marketing and so on. All of
these methods are effective but they are usually
far slower than using paid advertising and there
is considerable time involved in preparing the
materials in the first place.
For instance, unless you are an expert article
author, it could take you anything from 30
minutes to 1 hour to do your initial research and
then write your article. If you were to follow
the advice of many experts who suggest that you
should always submit at least five or six
articles that are based on the same topic or
subject matter together, it becomes fairly
obvious that even something as simple as creating
articles can be pretty time-consuming.
The third option is to ‘borrow’ traffic by
getting involved in suitable joint-venture
operations with other marketers in your market
sector or niche. This is a fantastic way of
marketing, because you are leveraging the
popularity and market presence of the person
you’re working with to generate business.
Consequently, joint ventures are often the most
successful form of marketing.
However, there is yet again a proviso because
joint ventures do not happen overnight. You have
to build or develop your relationship with the
marketer with whom you’re planning to work and
you have to put together a top quality package of
marketing materials to make their job as easy as
possible. It is likely that you will probably
have to spend some time and not a small amount of
effort convincing them that you know what you are
doing and that everything is ready to go to the
If you think about these three different methods
of driving traffic to your site, you will
probably begin to note that there is a common
theme running through everything you have read so
Every one of these individual traffic generation
strategies has advantages over the others, but at
the same time, each of them also has
disadvantages. And in every case, the major
disadvantage is remarkably similar.
No matter how you set up your systems to drive
traffic to your site, there is a cost involved,
whether that cost is measured in terms of money
(paid advertising) or time (which in business
often amounts to pretty much the same thing
To a certain extent, the way that you promote
your business will be decided by your own value
judgment of which is more important to you,
keeping money in your pocket or saving your time.
In my experience, when you are a complete
beginner, it is money that is the most valuable,
primarily because you don’t have any. However, as
your business becomes more successful and starts
to generate income, the importance of time tends
to come to the fore as money is always
replaceable, but time never is.
And here is another critical thing to understand
about the cost of the traffic that you generate
to your site.
Each and every one of those visitors is expensive
in some way or another. Indeed, getting them to
come to your site for the very first time is the
most expensive visit you will ever generate. To
get to this point, you have had to spend time,
money or both to go out onto the internet and
‘grab’ that visitor.
Until you did so, they were not aware of your
site or business. Hence, it naturally follows
that if you had not gone out there with
promotional materials that attracted their
attention, you would never have been in a
position to present them with your offer.
Thus, it is an inarguable fact that getting new
traffic to your site for the very first time is
expensive and that any subsequent visit to your
site by someone who has already visited costs
almost next nothing in comparison.
In some cases, the visitor will return to your
site of their own accord, in which case there is
really no cost to you at all. Alternatively, they
might come back because you have a system in
place that encourages them to return.
This system might take some time and effort to
set up, but you only have to do the job once,
after which your system continually pulls
visitors back to your site. The cost per
individual return visit is therefore negligible.
Knowing that each first-time visitor is the most
expensive that you will ever attract means that
it has to make sense to ensure that you do
everything possible to turn that visitor into an
asset of your business.
This is essentially what having a sales system in
place is all about.
An efficient sales system is one that is designed
to squeeze every possible cent out of every
visitor who ever comes to your site. To go one
stage further, it is about maximizing the profits
of your business because profits always equal
incoming revenue minus costs. As we have already
established, the cost of each visitor is the
highest it will ever be when they visit for the
first time.
So far, I have continually used the phrase sales
system. However, it is relatively common in all
forms of business, both online and off, to
present this sales process as a funnel, hence the
title of this course. In the next lesson, I will
illustrate why this is and how the concept works.
To your success,
Sales Funnel Secrets - Lesson #3: The Basic Sales Funnel Model...
SUBJECT: Sales Funnel Secrets - Lesson #3: The Basic Sales Funnel Model...
There are dozens of different ways of
illustrating the sales funnel concept because the
exact make-up of this funnel will vary from
business to business depending upon the demands
and operating style of different businesses.
Nevertheless, there is always a general
similarity in the basic depiction of the sales
funnel model. Thus, we can use a general stylized
sales funnel to begin to illustrate exactly how
the sales funnel is applicable to online
The basic idea of the sales funnel is that at the
top (the ‘mouth’ or widest part of the funnel)
you have your potential prospects. At this point
in time, these individuals have done nothing to
signify that they are likely to do business with
you at any time in the future.
Depending upon how you create your own funnel
model, these prospects could be just outside the
top of your funnel or just inside the top lip.
However, as a general rule, it is normal to
assume that anyone who is actually inside the
funnel has made a least some degree of commitment
to your business, possibly something as simple or
basic as visiting your site.
This is the most basic commitment level from a
potential prospect to your business. The prospect
has seen some form of promotional material that
you have ‘seeded’ the net with, was interested in
what you had to say and decided to visit your
site to investigate a little further.
Thus, they have taken the very first step that
you wanted them to take, hence the notion that
they have already made some form of commitment to
you, albeit a very small one.
At this point, having just entered the widest,
uppermost part of your sales funnel, the prospect
has a choice to make. Either they are going to
find your offer to be of sufficient interest to
commit themselves further or they are going to
decide the opposite. In this case, they jump back
out of your funnel, lost to your business forever.
It is this notion that people can ‘jump out’ of
your sales system at any time they want which
leads to the basic funnel concept. At every step
of the process, there will be people who make the
decision to go no further and back out. Hence,
you have less and less people still interested in
what you are doing as they move through your
sales process (or down your sales funnel) meaning
that your scope for business narrows because of
the dwindling number of people still involved.
But even at this early stage, your first-time
site visitor has a choice to stay or go. If they
do not jump out of your sales funnel by closing
your page for ever, the next logical step is that
they will increase their commitment to you to a
greater or lesser degree.
For example, they may browse around your site to
see exactly what you have to offer on a site-wide
basis, an act that indicates that they are
seriously interested in what you have to offer.
Hence, this simple action indicates a higher
level of commitment.
Alternatively, it is more common to ask them to
take a specific action on this page, such as
signing up for your mailing list, providing
additional information or some action of this
nature. If they choose to do this, the element of
commitment is considerably higher because they
have taken the action that you required.
In the first of these two commitment examples,
the individual who takes a look at a few more
pages on your site pushes themselves a little
further down the funnel (or through your system)
by this action.
However, we have already established that some
people will already have backed out before now.
Thus, there are less people still interested in
what you have to offer at this slightly more
advanced stage, hence the narrowing of the sales
On the other hand, the individuals who have taken
the action that you asked them to take have
pushed themselves considerably further down the
funnel. At this level, there are again less
people and therefore the funnel continues to get
still narrower.
In the following simple sales funnel schematic,
you might say that the upper blue layer
represents the first time visitors that you have
drawn to your site:
Of these visitors, the ones who make a minor
commitment to you by browsing around your site
for a reasonable period of time might be imagined
to have moved down to the next (green) level of
the funnel.
However, those who subscribed to your mailing
list or took whatever other action you requested
have moved past these slightly less committed
people straight down to the red layer, where
there are considerably less people and therefore
a narrower funnel.
And so it goes on. The more commitment you are
asking for from your site visitors, the less
people are likely to make that commitment.
It should therefore be clear that the whole sales
funnel concept is based upon the idea that
selling products or services (whether online or
offline) is a step-by-step process of pushing
people down the funnel or through your sales
At each level of the funnel, you have to ask your
prospect to increase their level of commitment
knowing that by doing so you are going to drive
some of these prospects or customers away.
This is absolutely inevitable but there is no
inevitability attached to the number of people
who might decide to jump out of your sales funnel
at any particular level.
In other words, this book is going to show you
how to create a sales funnel in such a way that
you can prevent huge numbers of hot prospects
from jumping back out of your funnel once you
have got them to take the initial step that you
want them to take.
In our next lesson we'll take a look at how to
get visitors to your site.
To your success,
Sales Funnel Secrets - Lesson #4: The Search For Targeted Traffic
SUBJECT: Sales Funnel Secrets - Lesson #4: The Search For Targeted Traffic
The sales funnel concept DOES NOT work on the
basis of pulling just anyone to visit your
On the contrary, it is absolutely essential for
the funnel concept to make any sense that the
people you draw your website are targeted,
pre-qualified visitors.
For example, if you have a website based business
that promotes weight loss products online, it is
logical that the best prospect for your business
is someone who is overweight that wants to change
their life.
Consequently, you would target your marketing and
promotional efforts in such a way that they would
be put in front of people who are overweight. By
doing so, you ensure that the majority of people
who come to your site already represents a hot
prospect because they are looking for or
interested in the products you have to offer.
If however you bring someone who is trying to
decide whether they want to buy an Xbox 360 or
Wii, the chances of that individual buying your
products are almost zero.
Sure, it is perfectly possible that they might be
overweight but they are still not going to buy.
The fact is, they are not particularly interested
in weight loss related products at this
particular moment in time, so why would they?
They are searching for specific information that
is completely different to that which you provide
and they are therefore going to close your site
within milliseconds.
Hence, all of your initial marketing efforts have
to be focused on making sure that the people who
you bring to your site (to the first, widest
level of your funnel) are targeted visitors.
You have to make sure that your marketing efforts
are targeted.
For example, your AdWords advertising materials
must feature your primary keywords as must any
articles that you publish on directory sites like
EzineArticles as well as the descriptions that
you attach to the videos that you publish at
YouTube and so on.
This element of prequalifying visitors to your
site is an essential part of an efficient sales
Or, to put it another way, without pulling
targeted, pre-qualified visitors to your site,
trying to construct an efficient, profitable
sales system is a huge waste of time.
If the ‘front end’ of your system is not
attracting the right kind of visitors to your
site, then the chances of converting any of those
visitors into customers are very remote indeed!
In our next lesson I'll give you a more in-depth
look at product pricing and how you match it to
the customers that want to do business with you.
Stay tuned!
To your success,
Sales Funnel Secrets - Lesson #5: Why The Concept Is So Important?
SUBJECT: Sales Funnel Secrets - Lesson #5: Why The Concept Is So Important?
Once you have targeted visitors entering your
sales funnel, a percentage will make some kind of
commitment to your business and a percentage will
simply leave.
Consequently, your job in this situation is
Firstly, you should be applying every tool and
resource available in an attempt to minimize the
people who jump straight back out of your sales
funnel after first entering.
Secondly, you should also be doing everything
within your power to ‘push’ people to the next
lower level of your sales funnel as quickly and
efficiently as you can. With every level that
they descend further through the funnel, the more
they are increasing their level of commitment and
therefore their value to your business.
For example, if someone chooses to subscribe to
your mailing list, you are in a position to send
them a continual stream of promotional e-mails
pushing your primary products.
At some point, it is likely that a percentage of
prospects that you are e-mailing in this way will
buy the products that you are promoting because
it is widely accepted in online marketing that
most prospects have to see an offer anywhere
between seven and twenty times before they
finally decide to buy (or not).
Of course, successfully selling a product in this
way is exciting and rewarding because it puts
money in your bank account, but it is not the end
of the story. Indeed, it is really only the
It should be obvious that the likelihood of a
prospect turning themselves into a customer by
buying the product that you recommend will to an
extent depend upon the price of that product.
If for example the product only costs $7, it is
pretty much a no-brainer for anyone who has even
the remotest interest in it to buy. Thus, if you
were selling a $7 product you could probably
anticipate big sales numbers whilst understanding
that the income is going to be relatively low.
Logically speaking, it is going to be more
difficult to sell a $27 product, and harder still
to move one that is priced at $47. Nevertheless,
as long as the product offers clearly outstanding
value, even at these levels, you could expect to
see reasonable sales figures.
So, let’s say that you sell a $7 or $27 product
to your customer as the first piece of business
that you have ever done with them. What do you do
next? Is that it or are you going to push for
something more?
What you now know is that if you present a
suitably well targeted offer to each individual
customer (as they now are), they will buy at this
price level.
What you don’t know is the depth of their
interest in the subject on which they have just
spent money. Nor do you know how far they are
willing or able to go on spending money or where
their price ceiling is.
So, if you have just generated a $27 sale, the
next step is to offer that new customer a $47 or
even a $67 product.
As you’ll discover, you should do this as soon
after they have completed their initial purchase
as possible because at that very moment, they are
in full-on ‘buying mode’ and this is always the
best time to ask for more business.
It is a fact of doing business online that the
hardest thing in the world is to convince a new
customer to get their credit card out of their
wallet. Thus, once they have done so, you should
maximize your returns by presenting them with an
immediate upsell offer of some type.
Some of your new customers will buy, whilst
others will decline the offer.
If they buy, that’s great, you have even more
cash in the bank, but this is still not the end
of the story. Now you need to know whether they
have the wherewithal and/or the inclination to
spend even more money on targeted products in
your market.
The customer who buys your upsell offer could
well be in the mood to keep buying, so you should
keep offering them the opportunity to do so. And
even for those customers who do not buy your
upsell or anything else that you offer them, you
should definitely start offering more
higher-priced products in your promotional e-mail
messages to them.
After the initial flurry of sales activity, at
every step of the way, you must progressively
narrow down and focus your business by
establishing how far each individual customer who
is on your mailing lists is willing to go. This
concept is based upon the somewhat clichéd but
nevertheless remarkably accurate notion called
the Pareto principle or 80/20 rule.
When applied to sales, this principle dictates
that 80% of your business will eventually come
from 20% of your customers. To a large extent, my
own experience indicates that this principle
generally holds reasonably true.
What it means for your business is therefore
relatively straightforward.
By continually qualifying your customers, thereby
narrowing the number of people still in your
funnel, you will gradually whittle it down to the
situation where you have isolated the 20% of
customers who are willing to spend the most money
with you.
These are the people who will not bat an eyelid
if you propose a $2000 or $5000 training course
to them. They are therefore the customers who you
should be focusing almost all of your attention
By isolating the individual customers who are
going to make the most money for your business in
this way, you ultimately ensure that your
business is as profitable as it could be.
At the same time, you are not wasting your own
time trying to work with customers who are never
going to make a great deal of money for your
business, so this ‘narrowing down’ process also
makes your life easier and far less complicated
as well.
To your success,
Sales Funnel Secrets - Lesson #6: Why Automation Is Essential!
SUBJECT: Sales Funnel Secrets - Lesson #6: Why Automation Is Essential!
As you gradually build your business, prospects
will initially be ‘small price ticket’ customers
who may then become ‘larger price ticket’
Beyond this, some will ultimately become the kind
of ‘major price ticket’ customers who according
to the Pareto principle ‘pop out’ of the bottom
of your sales funnel.
With every gradual move that your prospect makes
through this process, the e-mail messages that
you send them must change as they attain each
progressively more profitable level.
For example, after they buy your first product,
they may or may not take advantage of the initial
If they do not do so, then the first tranche of
e-mail messages that you send them should promote
the first upsell product that they have just
turned down. Remembering that they need to see
your sales message anywhere between 7 and 20
times, you should give them plenty of opportunity
to buy this product by making the offer to them
at least 10 times.
However, there comes a point where you have to
accept that the reason they are not buying is
something that you are not overcoming. In this
case, after 10 e-mail messages have all promoted
the same product without success, you should
change tack by introducing a different product to
the same customer.
Alternatively, if the customer did accept the
upsell immediately after making their initial
purchase and perhaps even other products besides,
the next step is to promote an even more
expensive product to them by e-mail. Once again,
you should give them plenty of opportunity to buy
this more expensive product, so I would recommend
at least 10 e-mail messages focusing on the same
product once again, before moving on to something
You must therefore have a series of outgoing
e-mail messages being sent to your subscribers
when they first join your list, followed by many,
many more e-mail messages to them once they
become customers who occupy various different
levels in your sales funnel.
Furthermore, with each purchase that these
customers make, it will be necessary to start a
completely different series of e-mail messages
because with each purchase, they are pushing
themselves further through your sales funnel to
another different level.
In short, an integral part of any well
constructed sales funnel is an automated e-mail
management system, because without this, your
sales funnel can never work as efficiently or as
profitably as you want it to.
For this reason, you must have an autoresponder
system in place, and given that you want the
system to work as effectively and efficiently as
possible, it will pay you to use only the best.
Yes, you can of course use a free autoresponder,
but from my own experience, I know that the more
efficient your sales funnel system becomes, the
more quickly you will outgrow a limited
autoresponder system of the type that you might
find for free.
In terms of spending money on an autoresponder,
you have two choices, or at least in theory you
do. However, because one option is so much better
than the other, I would suggest that in truth,
there is no real choice to be made.
Option one is to buy autoresponder software that
you can install and run from your desktop or from
your own web hosting account. The advantage of
doing this is that once you have bought the
software, you do not need to invest any more
money in your autoresponder.
However, apart from this single advantage, there
is a little or nothing else to recommend buying
and using your own software in this way.
On the other hand, there are far too many
disadvantages such as using your own bandwidth
for outgoing e-mail messages, a general lack of
flexibility and the likelihood that your software
will fail to keep up with the latest
autoresponder market developments. In addition,
sending e-mail from your own ISP almost certainly
means that you will encounter significant
deliverability problems so that you will send
lots of e-mails that do not arrive because the
intended recipients ISP has anti-spam software
blocking it.
Alternatively, there are web-based autoresponder
systems where you have to pay a monthly
subscription to use the service. Beyond this
however, every advantage lies with this option
because online systems of this nature offer
almost every tool and feature that you could ask
They provide significantly enhanced flexibility
in comparison to desktop or host-based software
programs, they make all of the latest features
and resources available as soon as they hit the
market and with the right autoresponder system,
you should have very few deliverability problems
The importance of this last factor should not
If you convince a new prospect to subscribe to
your mailing list but then because of your
autoresponder, the initial ‘Welcome’ message
never arrives, the only thing that can be said
for certain is that this prospect will never
become a customer.
After all, if they do not receive your e-mail
message, how can they?
You need to automate as much of your business as
you can, but you have to use the best tools to do
so. If you do not, a significant percentage of
your potential profitability will simply trickle
away down the drain.
For this reason, there are only two autoresponder
systems that I would suggest you look at, Aweber
or GetResponse.
Most online marketers seem to prefer the former
over the latter, but having used both services at
various times over the years, I would say that
they are equally good as one another, so you
should go with the one with which you feel most
Given that successful automation is so
mission-critical and that your autoresponder
system is the heart of your automation, you
should not look beyond one or the other of these
two companies to handle the automation of your
To your success,
Sales Funnel Secrets - Lesson #7: Get Your Funnel Up And Running!
SUBJECT: Sales Funnel Secrets - Lesson #7: Get Your Funnel Up And Running!
Every prospect that you bring in at the top of
that funnel is going to cost you a great deal of
money one way or another.
Thus, you must reduce the amount of both
prospects and customers who ‘escape’ your
business before you have had a chance to maximize
your returns from them.
And don’t forget that creating an effective and
ultimately profitable sales funnel is something
that you only have to do once.
Yes, there is some work involved in testing
various landing page formats one against the
other and because you need different e-mail
messages for all of the different ‘levels’ of
your funnel, there is some work to be done
creating those outgoing messages as well.
But once it is done, you need do no more than
finesse, test and improve various aspects of your
system, confident in the knowledge that it is
already working extremely well in any event.
However much knowledge of the sales funnels
concept you had when you began reading, you now
have some basic knowledge about both the
theoretical and practical aspects of using sales
funnels for maximum profits in your own business.
Simply by setting up your initial sales system as
detailed in the previous lessons, you will
increase the number of people you convert from
prospects into customers. Moreover, each of those
customers will become increasingly more
profitable as you feed them down your sales
funnel too.
You have all the practical knowledge that you
need in order to improve the profitability of
your business right here in front of you.
Now is as good a time as any to start putting it
into action!
If you haven't already you can check out our
Sales Funnel Secrets course from the link below.
We'll cover everything you need to know so you
can visually see what you need to do and get a
closer look at how we do it!
To your success,